Week 1 Devlog

Game Tools 2 Endless Runner, Team 1


Evan Long, Peter Kavanagh, Luke Noone.

During our discussion about what game we should make, Peter suggested that we create an endless runner. we decided on this genre as we believe that it will be simple to create the basic functions of the game. Due to this, we believe that we can flesh out and polish many different aspects of the game which will be a great learning experience for us all as we can gain experience in creating effective elements of games such as UI, camera control, settings, art and visuals and many more. We also believe that this genre will make it simple for us to work on separate aspects of the game in tandem, such as one of us working on the camera movement and another working on player control in the same week. 

For our first week of prototyping, we worked on the following: 

Evan:  Personally for this week, I worked in 2D so as to gain an insight into the scripting of making an endless runner. As seen in the video, I made an attempt at looping the background, along with attached obstacles that will appear at random locations, and will destroy the player object when colliding. The only error that I ran into was in the obstacle department, where the obstacles would appear too close to the player to give enough time to be avoided. Despite this, I learned how to script many aspects of the game that will be crucial in the development.    

Peter: As seen in attached video, I laid out a basic white box platformer with a front facing camera that is stationary currently. The idea is to show the player the type of movement to expect and the FOV they will be using. Also the wall at the back of the player is gradually increasing speed towards them to show they will be actively chased by an asset that has not been shown yet. It is a very bare bones prototype to get across an idea.


Prototype 1 build.zip 3.3 MB
Oct 02, 2023

Get Over The Rainbow

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